Citizens for Tiffany, a candidate campaign committee, received $3 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The Vilas County Democratic Party, a political party committee, received $0.26 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The Republican Party of Langlade County, a political party committee, received $4 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The Oneida Co Democratic Party, a political party committee, received $10 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The largest 100 political contributions made during the week ending February 5 can be found in the table below, according to the Wisconsin Ethics Commission.
The Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association PAC, a PAC committee, received $50 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The Taylor County Republican Party, a political party committee, received $92 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.
The Friends of Swearingen, a candidate campaign committee, received $1,500 during the week ending January 1, according to the Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System.